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HomeoPet Hp Healing Cream, 14 gm

HomeoPet HP Healing Cream, 14 gm

Our Price: $22.99

Availability: Currently Unavailable
Product Code: 17993


HP Healing Cream

Protects and Heals Wounds

HomeoPet HP Healing Cream is a non-steroidal, anti-infective, first aid cream for animals that can be used to promote rapid healing in wounds, cuts, bites and burns. Indicated as a first-aid topical for grazes, cuts, bruises, wounds, burns, bites, scars, aids with infected wounds, sprains, ulcers, cracked skin and pads, and bedsores. HP Healing Cream is especially helpful for wounds that won't heal. Safe for use on animals of all ages. Steroid and antibiotic free.

Aconitum Napellus 3x
Conditions start suddenly, often triggered by a cold wind or exposure to cold. It is a treatment for acute fevers, particularly sudden onset after injury, and is used in the first stage of onset of any condition or illness.

Arnica Montana 3x
(Leopard's Bane)
Treats or prevent foul or putrid septic conditions following a minor cut, crack, graze, wound, fall, blow, or bruising.

Arsencium Iodatum 8x
(Iodide of Arsenic)
There are acrid discharges (burn of hair and skin) that often smell bad. Swollen glands and skin lesions similar to psoriasis or eczema. Open ulcers often respond to its use.

Belladonna 3x
(Deadly Nightshade)
Fever with a bounding pulse (in the neck particularly), often with the local area being hot flushed, red and swollen and often the whole animal can be in this state. This is one of the main treatments for acute fever as the signs suggest. The head is often warmer than the legs and body. The eyes often have a wild look as the pupils dilate with the fever, accompanying injury or infection. Animals, though normally placid, can be fractious even aggressive with twitching.

Bellis Perenis 3x
Very like Arnica, it is used for damaged tissue, repairing deeper tissues when affected by injury or inflammation such as occurs in road traffic accidents. It is also very important in the deep bruising that occurs in the birth canal and its associated regions during delivery. Useful for inflammation and infection coming on around these events or similar tissue injuries, especially a blow in any species.

Bryonia 3x
(Wild Hops)
Bryonia is indicated for sprains and arthritis with stiffness that is worse with movement. It is indicated where the condition causes the affected animal not to want to move and often the animal is worse when it moves even slightly.

Calendula Offcinalis 3x
(Pot Marigold)
From the same family as Arnica and Bellis P, it is used for conditions where laceration or tearing occurs, and speeds the healing. It helps the healing of tissues both before and after inflammation, abscessation, such as occurs in mastitis. Various species of Marigolds have been shown to have anti-viral, antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory and keratolytic properties .

Chamomilla Matricaria 3x
(German Chamomile)
Used for conditions where the patient is irritable from the pain of the condition, particularly where the animal bites, scratches, pecks or kicks (depending on species) due to the pain of the condition. The area becomes very sore and inflamed, being particularly tender to the touch.

Echinacea Angustifolia 3x
(Purple Cone-flower)
Used for its antiseptic and immune properties. It is of prime importance in the treatment of septic conditions that tend toward gangrene and septicaemia when neglected. Its use ranges from acute to septic conditions, particularly when associated with a fever. It has an additional benefit where initial causation is bites by insects, animals or even snakes. Its immune effects extend to cases of staphylococcal infection such as MRSA's and other complaints that affect the skin, or immunity in general.

Echinacea Purpurea 3x
(Black Sampson)
Used in a similar fashion to Echinacea Angustifolia, but the fevers tend to be lower and last longer. Both are sometimes seen as interchangeable despite the difference in the fever type. Both forms of Echinacea are particularly useful in cases with fever and Staphylococcal infection, including Mastitis. They are also noted for their immune supportive action acting as a preventative for mastitis.

Graphites 8x
(Black Pencil Lead)
It is a form or pure carbon, which contains a small amount of iron. Its prime use in this cream is as an antipsoric , a term meaning it is used for eczema, psoriasis, or herpes, characterized by eruptions and itching.

Hamamelis Virginia 3x
Used particularly for conditions associated with bleeding, with a specific action on blood vessels and this is shown in the deep red color of the original homeopathic tincture. Used to treat venous congestion, which can be evidenced by larger than normal veins in the affected region or where veins are painful hard and knotty. Hamamellis has many other properties in common with Calendula, including its use in burns (including sunburn) and injury. Is wonderful for the removal of bruising, along with Arnica.

Hepar Sulphuris 3x
(Calcium Sulphide)
Used where there is a tendency to great pus formation (clots in milk or in abscess discharges), often with great pain. It is also known for its ability to get pus out of an affected gland or abscess, and restore normal function. The affected area and often the whole patient are over-sensitive to touch. In fact, the whole animal is often described as touchy at best, downright dangerous at worst when touched. It is excellent for sore, cracked nipples.

Hypericum Perforatum 3x
(St. John's Wort)

Used where conditions are more painful than one would expect. It excels for the treatment of wounds, particularly lacerated and puncture wounds, even more so when in combination with Calendula, giving the cream the property of being easier to apply after each application. Useful for fresh scars that are painful or old wounds or injuries that remain painful, even when the wound has healed. The prime action of Hypericum is on nerve endings where they are alight from injury.

Lachesis 8x
(Bushmaster Snake)
Used in malignant septic states, similar in appearance to those that onset after a snake bite. Often wounds progress to a gangrenous state, with a blue or purpling of the udder and ending with collapse, then cardiac and respiratory failure in neglected cases. An odd feature here is that symptoms are often worse on the left side of the animal. Gangrenous conditions are often a feature of E.Coli type infections.

Ledum 3x
(Marsh Tea)
Indicated for use in wounds, particularly puncture wounds like those from a nail, which are surprisingly cool to the touch and rapidly develop into a foul smelling abscess. These signs are often accompanied by swelling, red spots and a rash similar to skin that has had contact with poison ivy.

Millefolium 3x
Used for injuries and complaints that are associated with excessively free bleeding. It also has application where conditions are accompanied by the onset of convulsions or tremors, such as the drop in milk yield associated with eclampsia. Application of cream to skin can help locally with healing.

Mercurius Solubilis 8x
Used where there is a painful, bad smelling discharge or wound with a greenish or bloody tinge. When affected with such an infection, the animal can be downright dangerous.
Phytolacca 6c
Used for glands that become swollen and hot. It is a pre-eminent treatment for mastitis and mammary gland disorders, usually with radiating pains. The gland, if left untreated, becomes extremely tender, swollen and can progress to become stony hard with enlarged lymph glands. The affected area can develop a purple tinge; the teats or nipples if affected become cracked and very sensitive.

Ruta Graveolans 3x
(Garden Rue)
Used for its effects on ligaments and connective tissue in general. Its action helps in supporting the udder through mastitis. It also helps the prevention and, where formed, promotes resorption of nodules. It improves the elasticity of ligaments. Ruta is a wonderful remedy for sprains along with Bryonia Arnica and Rhus Tox giving the cream an application for joint sprains or affected ligaments.

Rhus Toxicodendron 3x
(Poison Oak)
Used for rashes on the skin that can range from urticaria, to being red and swollen with crusts, ranging from being much like a cold sore in a human to chickenpox, which is similar to what occurs with Bovine Herpes Mammilitis. Animals benefiting from this are often stiff, worse for cold damp weather and on first rising. It also benefits where pus replacing the vesicles erodes the hair. The rash is very itchy and animals thus affected will tear at themselves while cows and large animals, thus affected, will kick their udder as a result.

Silicia 3x
(Pure Flint)
Used to stop the development or promote the resorption of pus where it has already formed. It acts to help with the expulsion of foreign bodies, such as thorns. Animals that are chilly and seek heat particularly benefit from Silicia's action. It helps with the removal of scarring.
Stellaria Media 3x
Used for its healing effects, particularly on skin. It acts on cuts burns and bruises as well as rheumatic symptoms, the latter appearing as the stiffness often accompanying infection.

Sulphur 3x
(Sublimated Sulphur)
Sulphur, like Graphites, is a major antipsoric, making it useful for eczema, psoriasis, or herpes, characterized by eruptions and itching. Sulphur conditions usually smell, but the smell can be washed off with shampoos, soaps, etc., yet within a few days the strong smell from the condition will return. Sulphur is particularly useful in animals that are averse to heat and seek shade in hot weather.

Symphytum 3x
Symphytum is commonly known as bone-knit, making this cream of use where bones are bruised fractured or other wise injured, especially when used alongside HomeoPet First Aid. It is used for bruising that goes right down to, and includes, the bones. It is also known as the Arnica of the eye and the cream can be used around, but not in, the eye in cases of injury in that region.

Thuja 3x
(Arbor vitae)
It has a reputation in the treatment of warts on any part of the body. Thuja also has application in the treatment of yeast and fungal infections. Patients who respond well to it often have a greasy and oily skin and coat.

In a base of 25% Lanolin & 50% Petroleum at 2oz/lb with 25% Mineral oil for cold climates

Formulation: This combination of ingredients in its cream base provides a salve for a wide range of conditions affecting a broad range of species. It can be used as an adjunct in the treatment of septic wounds, both acute and chronic particularly in combination with antibiotic therapy where appropriate. The ingredients have been selected to have a synergistic effect and are used at levels where the product is totally safe, natural and side-effect free. It is effective in its own right, but can be used in any treatment regimen without any danger of interaction. It promotes healing, not just of the skin, but also of the deeper tissues in general. If applied at the earliest sign of change, it can be used to prevent progression to a more serious problem. The cream can be used for a wide range of problems from minor cuts and grazes, to major wounds and tears, even sunburn. The cream works exceptionally well when used externally and complemented by the use of Homeopet Trauma (First Aid), given orally for internal support.

FORMS: Cream PACKAGE SIZE: .15 ml tube

Dosage and Administration: All species dogs, cats, rabbits birds, etc., except fish. Apply to affected area once to three times daily covering entire affected area. Once a response is seen, the administration should either be reduced or ceased, only reapplying should symptoms reappear.

Optimally, the cream should be applied directly to ulcers and large open wounds. For incised (surgical wounds), similar cut type wounds, or puncture wounds, the cream should be applied around the area. The cream is designed for compatibility with other Homeopet Products such as HP Trauma (Homepets First Aid Solution), HP Joint Relief, HP Skin & Itch, HP Hot Spot, HP Skin & Sebborrhea, and HP Flea. Where wounds are cleaned by washing, for example with salt water, they should be dried well before application of the cream.

Adverse Effects and Contraindications: None known. Although no evidence exists to the contrary, care should be taken with its use in pregnant animals as low potency homeopathics are historically not regarded as totally safe in pregnancy, despite their lack of chemicals. Should a suspected adverse reaction be seen or you want advice, please contact HomeoPet, LLC (contact information at bottom of sheet).

Drug Interactions: None known. For animal use only. Keep out of reach of children.

Store at room temperature, out of direct sunlight, and away from strong odors.


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