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Neuromuscular Medication for Pets

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Methocarbamol 500mg, 100 Tablets Methocarbamol 500mg, 100 Tablets

Methocarbamol is a potent skeletal muscle relaxant given for a wide range of disorders involving acute muscle spasm, including spinal injuries, slipped discs, tetanus and poisonings.
Rx Medication: This Product Sold Only To Licensed Veterinarians & Pharmacies.

Licensed Professional Price: $7.94
Everyone loves to play outdoors with their dog. It can be a great way to unwind and is good cardio, but make sure not to overwork your beloved pet. Excessive exercise or lack of fluids may lead to twitching, involuntary muscle spasms or other health-related issues. However, if your pet is getting plenty of water and isn't involved in strenuous activity, then these muscle spasms might be caused by a neuromuscular disorder.

At Medi-Vet, we have a selection of medications and treatments that can help reduce muscle spasms and prevent convulsions in pets. Our potent muscle relaxants are available for licensed veterinarians and can help to alleviate a wide range of disorders, including acute muscle spasms, spinal injuries, strychnine poisoning and more. Our medications are tested and approved for cats, dogs, horses and even rodents. Get the right medication for the animals you love.