Dog Antifungal & Ringworm Treatment
It's not always easy to tell when a pet has a fungal infection or worms. Every pet owner should be aware of how to spot ringworm on their dog in order to keep it healthy and safe. Look for circular areas of hair loss, dry or brittle fur, and scabby or inflamed skin. If you think your dog might have ringworms, then take it to a vet for a professional diagnosis. At Medi-Vet, we carry a selection of antifungal cream for ringworm and several dewormers, so you can keep your pet healthy and free of unwanted pests.
The right antifungal shampoo can do more than just help to alleviate irritation and remove underlying infections. It can also help to renew your pet's natural protective layer of skin and form an effective barrier against moisture loss. Antifungal dog shampoo can also help fight off infections caused by yeast and scaling, keeping your canine happy and healthy. Many antifungal medications for dogs and cats can be bought over the counter and are found in convenient drop bottles for precise topical application. We also carry Davis miconazole spray and antifungal dog shampoos that are safe for even the youngest pet and contain no perfumes or dyes that may cause further irritation. Davis miconazole shampoos are also safe for cats and kittens and are available in up to bulk-sized gallon containers for veterinary clinics and pet pharmacies.