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Knowledge Base : growths
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Viral Papillomas in Dogs
Viral Papillomas in Dogs Wendy Brooks, DVM, DABVP Does m y Dog Hav e Warts? Certain viruses are able to cause the growth of small round skin tumors commonly referred to as warts. Everyone who has eve
Ringworm in Cats and Dogs
Ringworm in Cats and Dogs Dermatophytosis Ringworm (Dermatophytosis) is not a worm but a fungal disease that infects skin, hair, and claws by one of the three types of fu
Allergies in Pets
Pet Allergies and Symptoms As in people, the incidence of allergies in pets seems to be increasing. While allergic humans may often sneeze, wheeze or even have serious respiratory d
Flea & Tick Control
Flea & Tick Control and Prevention Ticks and Fleas Ticks are small spider-like arachnids and fleas are insects, but these two tiny creatures have at least one thing in common - they are both para
Frontline Plus vs. Frontline Gold vs. Frontline Shield
Frontline Brand products work actively to control fleas and ticks for dogs and cats separately. What is the difference between Frontline Shield, Frontline Plus, and Frontline Gold for Dogs and whi