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OtiClean-A Ear Cleaning Lotion, 16 oz

OtiClean-A Pet Ear Cleaning Lotion For Dogs and Cats, 16 oz
Our Price: $18.55

Stock Status:In Stock

Product Code: 20255


OtiClean-A Ear Cleaning Lotion

For Cleaning and Odor Control of Ear Canal

ARC Laboratories OtiClean-A Ear Cleaning Solution is a product designed to help pet owners clean their pet's ears safely and effectively. The solution is made with a blend of ingredients that help to dissolve wax and debris in the ear canal, while also helping to prevent bacterial and fungal infections.

The active ingredients in OtiClean-A Ear Cleaning Solution include salicylic acid, which helps to break down earwax and debris, and benzoic acid, which has antifungal and antibacterial properties. The solution also contains aloe vera and chamomile, which can help soothe the ear canal and reduce inflammation. Formulated without antibiotics or corticosteroids for effective long term use.

Directions: To use OtiClean-A Ear Cleaning Solution, pet owners should first thoroughly inspect their pet's ears for signs of redness, discharge, or inflammation. If any of these symptoms are present, it is important to consult with a veterinarian before using the product.

Assuming that the pet's ears are healthy, the next step is to apply a few drops of the solution to the ear canal and massage the base of the ear to help distribute the solution. After a few minutes, the pet owner can then use a clean cotton ball or cloth to wipe away any excess solution and debris.

Overall, OtiClean-A Ear Cleaning Solution can be a helpful tool for pet owners who want to keep their pet's ears clean and healthy. However, it is important to use the product as directed and to seek veterinary advice if any concerning symptoms are present.

Ingredients: Water, 35% Isopropyl Alcohol, Salicylic Acid, PEG 75, Lanolin Oil, Propylene Glycol, Glycerin, Acetic Acid, Fragrance, FD & C, Blue No. 1

Available in 4 oz, 16 oz and gallon sizes.

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