KOE Kennel Odor Eliminator For Pets
KOE Kennel Odor Eliminator is simply added to cleaning solution or rinse water to eliminate odors, even old, deeply impregnated odors from cages, runs, floors, tables, walls and other large areas. A complex blend of natural ingredients work together through various methods and actions to permanently eliminate malodors.
- Not a mask
- Not an enzyme
- Eliminates odors
Good housekeeping and cleaning procedures will help lessen kennel and cage odors, but not totally be free of odors when animals are in confined quarters.
KOE is easy to use and very effective. Simply add KOE to your cleaning procedures. KOE can be added to your cleaning solutions or rinse water. When used with consistency there will be no animal odors in areas of application.
Directions: Remove cap from the small, graduated part of the bottle. Squeeze large part of bottle, with cap on, forcing KOE into the measurement chamber. Add 1/4 oz. to one gallon of cleaning solution or rinse water, use normally. Same dilution in water may applied to specific areas with plastic lawn/garden type pump-up sprayer. For high pressure wash add to detergent tank at the ratio of 1/2 oz. to 6 gallon (1 to 1536). Ratios may be varied to suit the needs of the situation.
Always use the least amount possible to achieve desired results.
Effectiveness decreases when used with chlorine bleach.
Safe: Nontoxic, Nonirritating, Biodegradable, Noncarcinogenic, Noninflammable