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How To Get Rid of Fleas and Ticks in Your Yard

If your pet spends a lot of time outdoors, you've probably tried just about every flea and tick treatment on the market. Why not skip the sprays, flea baths and flea collars by tackling the problem at its source? Many pet owners don't realize that fleas and ticks don't have to be an inevitability. With the right yard treatments for fleas and ticks, you can rid your lawn of parasites and keep your pet safe and comfortable during the summer months. Here's how to kill fleas in your yard.

The Best Tick and Flea Treatments for Grass

If you keep your yard clean and trimmed, you can create a safe environment for both you and your pet. Here are some tips on keeping those nasty parasites out of your yard.

1. Cut the Grass Regularly

Fleas and ticks love to hide in grass, piles of leaves, shrubs, lawn clippings and anything else that you might have sitting in your yard. To reduce the risk of infestations, mow the lawn on a regular basis. WebMD recommends getting rid of grass clippings so they don't attract pests. If you have a lot of dead leaves in your yard, rake them up and burn them or throw them in a plastic bag. The less natural debris you have in your yard, the better.

2. Avoid Creating Wet, Humid Spots in Your Yard

You've probably heard that having standing water in your yard attracts flies and mosquitos. Fleas and ticks also love wet, humid and shady areas. Try to avoid leaving out buckets, empty flower pots, plastic containers and anything else that might collect standing water. If you have to leave these items outside, turn them upside down. Try to avoid creating clusters of tools, children's toys, outdoor gear and anything else that creates a damp, shady environment. On a similar note, make sure you clean up piles of dead leaves in your yard — these can also collect moisture and provide a shady spot for parasites to hide in.

3. Make Your Yard Unattractive to Wild Animals

If you don't already have fleas and ticks in your yard, wild animals like raccoons, deer, rabbits, squirrels and other animals could bring the parasites onto your property. To keep wild animals from visiting your property, consider building a fence around your yard. You should also make sure that your garbage cans are secure so they don't attract raccoons. Do some research on the types of plants that attract wildlife and avoid planting them. If you have bird feeders in your yard, make sure you clean up the loose birdseed so it doesn't attract squirrels. Keeping wild animals out of your yard goes a long way to keeping your property clean and hygienic.

4. Stay Out of the Woods

You can't eliminate all the trees, grasses and dead leaves from the forest that surrounds your yard. However, you can keep your distance to avoid inviting parasites onto your property. Don't leave lawn chairs, tools, equipment, toys, lawnmowers or anything else near the edge of your property. You might create a damp, shady space that invites fleas and ticks to move in and eventually venture out into your yard. If any logs or dead trees fall on your property, try to get them out of your yard as soon as possible.

5. Treat Your Pet Ahead of Time

If nothing else seems to work, you can treat your pet ahead of time instead of waiting until it comes home with fleas and ticks. Many pet product manufacturers sell shampoos, pills, chewables, collars and other products that keep fleas and ticks away from your pet. Some products are better suited to specific breeds, so make sure you do some research before using anything on your pet. You could also ask your vet if he or she recommends any preventative flea and tick products. Giving your dog a pill once in a while is a lot easier than giving it a flea bath once a week.

6. Spray Your Lawn With Pesticide

You've tried every solution you can think of, but your dog keeps bringing fleas and ticks into the house every time it goes outside. If nothing else works, it's time to get serious about treating yards for fleas and ticks. Pick up a tick and flea control for your yard like Adams Plus Yard Spray With Sprayer.

Before you start, keep in mind that you don't want to use just any pesticides. Some pesticides contain harmful chemicals that could poison the environment and cause potential health issues for your animal. Adams Plus Yard Spray is specially formulated to kill fleas and ticks without destroying your lawn. For extra protection, this product also kills fire ants that can cause painful bites.

To use this product, start by mowing your lawn to make it harder for fleas and ticks to hide in the grass. Attach the sprayer to the container, then spray this pesticide across your lawn to kill any parasites, eggs and larvae that might remain in the grass. You can spray grass directly, but try not to spray your flowers. To keep your yard clean, spray the grass with Adam Plus Yard Spray once every two weeks. You can use this product once a week if you have a serious flea and tick infestation.

Protect Your Animal by Preventing Infestations Ahead of Time

Flea and tick infestations aren't just uncomfortable for your pet — they can also cause health issues like Lyme disease. Flea infestations can also spread to your home, causing health and sanitation issues for you and your family members. If the problem gets serious enough, you might have to hire a professional to eliminate the fleas in your home.

Instead of dealing with fleas and ticks after the fact, use these methods to prevent infestations on your property. Your pet will be able to run and play outside without getting covered in fleas, and you'll be able to create a safer, healthier environment for everyone — including yourself.